Monday, August 20, 2018

Variables and Data Types in Java Programming

👉Variables and Data Types in Java Programming

Variables are locations in memory in which values can be stored. They have a name, a type, and a value. Before you can use a variable, you have to declare it. After it is declared, you can then assign values to it.

Java actually has three kinds of variables: instance variables, class variables, and local variables.
Instance variables, as you learned yesterday, are used to define attributes or the state for a particular object. Class variables are similar to instance variables, except their values apply to all that class’s instances (and to the class itself) rather than having different values for each object.
Local variables are declared and used inside method definitions, for example, for index counters in loops, as temporary variables, or to hold values that you need only inside the method definition itself. They can also be used inside blocks ({}), which you’ll learn about later this week. Once the method (or block) finishes executing, the variable definition and its value cease to exist. Use local variables to store information needed by a single method and instance variables to store information needed by multiple methods in the object.
Although all three kinds of variables are declared in much the same ways, class and instance variables are accessed and assigned in slightly different ways from local variables. Today, you’ll focus on variables as used within method definitions; tomorrow, you’ll learn how to deal with instance and class variables.

Declaring Variables

To use any variable in a Java program, you must first declare it. Variable declarations consist of a type and a variable name:

int myAge; String myName; boolean isTired;

Variable definitions can go anywhere in a method definition (that is, anywhere a regular Java statement can go), although they are most commonly declared at the beginning of the definition before they are used:

public static void main (String args÷])   {    int count;     String title;     boolean isAsleep;... }

You can string together variable names with the same type:

int x, y, z; String firstName, LastName;

You can also give each variable an initial value when you declare it:

int myAge, mySize, numShoes = 28; String myName = “Laura”; boolean isTired = true; int a = 4, b = 5, c = 6;

If there are multiple variables on the same line with only one initializer (as in the first of the previous examples), the initial value applies to only the last variable in a declaration. You can also group individual variables and initializers on the same line using commas, as with the last example, above.
Local variables must be given values before they can be used (your Java program will not compile if you try to use an unassigned local variable). For this reason, it’s a good idea always to give local variables initial values. Instance and class variable definitions do not have this restriction (their initial value depends on the type of the variable: null for instances of classes, 0 for numeric variables, ‘\0’ for characters, and false for booleans).

Notes on Variable Names

Variable names in Java can start with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($) . They cannot start with a number. After the first character, your variable names can include any letter or number. Symbols, such as %, *, @, and so on, are often reserved for operators in Java, so be careful when using symbols in variable names.

Caution: The Unicode specification is a two-volume set of lists of thousands of characters. If you don’t understand Unicode, or don’t think you have a use for it, it’s safest just to use plain numbers and letters in your variable names. You’ll learn a little more about Unicode later on.

In addition, the Java language uses the Unicode character set. Unicode is a character set definition that not only offers characters in the standard ASCII character set, but also several million other characters for representing most international alphabets. This means that you can use accented characters and other glyphs as legal characters in variable names, as long as they have a Unicode character number above 00C0.
Finally, note that the Java language is case-sensitive, which means that uppercase letters are different from lowercase letters. This means that the variable X is different from the variable x, and a rose is not a Rose is not a ROSE. Keep this in mind as you write your own Java programs and as you read Java code other people have written.
By convention, Java variables have meaningful names, often made up of several words combined. The first word is lowercase, but all following words have an initial uppercase letter:
Button theButton; long reallyBigNumber; boolean currentWeatherStateOfPlanetXShortVersion;

Variable Types

In addition to the variable name, each variable declaration must have a type, which defines what values that variable can hold. The variable type can be one of three things:
One of the eight basic primitive data types
The name of a class
An array

You’ll learn about how to declare and use array variables in Chapter 5.
The eight primitive data types handle common types for integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and boolean values (true or false). They’re called primitive because they’re built into the system and are not actual objects, which makes them more efficient to use. Note that these data types are machine-independent, which means that you can rely on their sizes and characteristics to be consistent across your Java programs.
There are four Java integer types, each with different ranges of values (as listed in Table 3.1). All are signed, which means they can hold either positive or negative numbers. Which type you choose for your variables depends on the range of values you expect that variable to hold; if a value becomes too big for the variable type, it is truncated.

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